Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Managing Content > Editing Content > Using CMS400 Editors > Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons

This section explains how to use the buttons and drop-down lists on the toolbar. (The toolbar is the row of buttons across the top of the editor window, illustrated below.)

The buttons let you perform functions such as cutting and pasting text, inserting images, and creating tables.

All buttons may not appear. Your Webmaster determines which buttons appear on your toolbar.

Note: The following Ektron Knowledge Base article explains how a Webmaster adds a custom toolbar button to eWebEdit400: http://dev.ektron.com/kb_article.aspx?id=16550.

Table of Toolbar Buttons

eWebEdit400’s toolbar buttons are explained below.


Equivalent Keystroke

(Internet Explorer only)


For more information, see

Select All


Select all content




Remove selected text and graphics. Place that data into temporary memory, also known as the “clipboard.”

(If you later cut or copy more information onto the clipboard, the new information overwrites the original information.)




Copy selected text and graphics into temporary memory. Leave selected data where it is.

(If you later cut or copy more information into memory, the original information is lost.)

Copying from Other Applications



Insert the most recently cut or copied text and graphics at the current cursor location.

Copying from Microsoft Word

Paste from Word, Cleaning Fonts & Styles


Designed for pasting Microsoft Word content, this button strips fonts and classes. For example, if you use the Paste button, Word content contains these tags.

<p class="MsoNormal" style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><span style="BACKGROUND: lime; mso-highlight: lime"><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman">

But if you paste that content using this button, only <p> tags are preserved.

Copying from Microsoft Word

Paste Plain Text


Paste the clipboard’s contents as plain text. That is, all HTML tags (including images) are stripped out.

This button is helpful when you want to eliminate HTML formatting from the copied text.

Copying from Microsoft Word

Find and Replace


Launch the Search and Replace dialog box. The dialog searches for (and lets you optionally replace) text that you specify.

Finding and Replacing Text



Print the editor content.




Reverse the most recent action, as if it never occurred. You can undo as many actions as you wish.




Reverse the undo action.


Spell Check


Begin spell checker.

Checking Spelling

Anchor Tag


Insert a bookmark anchor.

Using Bookmarks

Add/edit Hyperlink


Change information about a hyperlink.

Using Hyperlinks

Remove Hyperlink


Remove a hyperlink.

Removing a Hyperlink



Insert a library file.

Adding a Library File to Content


Add Wiki Link


Create a wiki link.

Using Ektron CMS400.NET’s Wiki Feature



Translate content into another language

Translating Content to Another Language

Horizontal Line


Insert a horizontal line.


Insert Symbol


Insert symbols and special characters.




Check content for adherence to XHTML and accessibility standards.

Validating with eWebEdit400

Hide/Show Elements


Toggle to show/hide temporary markers in content.


Using Temporary Markers

Apply CSS Class


Display a list of style sheet classes. Users can select from the list to apply a class to selected text. The list can change depending on the selected text.

Your Webmaster determines which styles are available.


Paragraph Style


Display a list of paragraph styles. Users can select from the list to apply a style to selected text. The list can change depending on the selected text.

Your Webmaster determines which styles are available.

HOW TO: Customize the Formatting drop down in the eWebEdit400 toolbar



Make selected text bold.




Make selected text italic.




Make selected text underlined.




Apply strikethrough to selected text. For example: Here is some text




Make selected text appear smaller and above text line.




Make selected text appear smaller and below text line.


Relative Font Size


Change the relative font size. Your Webmaster determines which relative font sizes are available.


Font Style


Change the font style.

Your Webmaster determines which fonts are available.

Note: If more than one font appears in a selection, the browser on the reader’s PC tries to display text using the first font. If the browser cannot find that font, it tries to use the second, etc.

Note: Your system administrator can enable or disable the font toolbar buttons (style, size, color, and background color). See ”Enable Font Buttons” on page 19-12.

Controlling Available Fonts

Font Size


Change the font size in points. Your Webmaster determines which font sizes in points are available.


Font Color


Change the font color.


Background Color


Change the background color of the selected content.




Begin the line on which the cursor rests with a number. If the line above this line is

not numbered, assign this line 1

numbered, assign a number one more than the line above

Note: The Number toolbar button applies a number to each paragraph. If you want to switch to regular (that is, non-numbered) paragraphs, click the button a second time.




Begin the line on which the cursor rests (or all selected lines) with a bullet ().

Note: The Bullet toolbar button applies a bullet to each paragraph. If you want to switch to regular (that is, non-bulleted) paragraphs, click the button a second time.




Increase or decrease the current line’s distance from the left margin.


Left, Center, and Right Justify


Align paragraph so that it is arranged

evenly on the left side (uneven on the right)

in the center of each line

evenly on the right side (uneven on the left)

evenly on right and left side

Use the last button to remove justification.


Insert table


Insert a table.

Working with Tables

Insert row above


Insert a new row above current one (that is, the one in which the cursor currently resides).

Insert row below


Insert a new row below current one (that is, the one in which the cursor currently resides).

Insert column left


Insert a new column to the left of the current one.

Insert column right


Insert a new column to the right of the current one.

Delete row


Delete current row.

Delete column


Delete current column.

Delete cell


Delete current cell.

Deleting a Cell

Merge cells horizontally


Merge current cell with cell to its right.

Merging Two Cells

Merge cells vertically


Merge current cell with cell below it.

Merging Two Cells

Split cell


Divide a cell into two. After you split, each cell occupies one half the size of the original cell.

Splitting a Cell

Table properties


Adjust a table’s properties

Modifying Table Properties

Cell properties


Adjust properties of current cell

Working with Table Cells

Show/hide border


Display/suppress internal table border

Setting Table Borders

Form Elements Toolbar

These toolbar options appear when you are working with an HTML form, poll, or survey.

See The Form Toolbar Options.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.